1The worde of the Lorde that came vnto Hosea the sonne of Beeri, in the daies of Vzziah, Iotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah Kings of Iudah, and in the daies of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioash king of Israel.

2At the beginning the Lorde spake by Hosea, and the Lord said vnto Hosea, Goe, take vnto thee a wife of fornicatios, and children of fornications: for the lande hath committed great whoredome, departing from the Lord.

3So he went, & tooke Gomer, ye daughter of Diblaim, which conceiued & bare him a sonne.

4And the Lord said vnto him, Cal his name Izreel: for yet a litle, and I will visite the blood of Izreel vpon the house of Iehu, and will cause to cease the kingdome of the house of Israel.

5And at that day will I also breake the bowe of Israel in the valley of Izreel.

6She conceiued yet againe, & bare a daughter, and God saide vnto him, Call her name Lo-ruhamah: for I will no more haue pitie vpon the house of Israel: but I wil vtterly take them away.

7Yet I will haue mercie vpon the house of Iudah, and wil saue them by the Lord their God, and wil not saue them by bow, nor by sword nor by battell, by horses, nor by horsemen.

8Nowe when she had wained Lo-ruhamah, shee conceiued, and bare a sonne.

9Then saide God, Call his name Lo-ammi: for yee are not my people: therefore will I not be yours.

10Yet the nomber of the children of Israel shall be as the sande of the sea, which can not be measured nor tolde: and in the place where it was saide vnto them, Yee are not my people, it shall be saide vnto them, Yee are the sonnes of the liuing God.

11Then shall the children of Iudah, and the children of Israel be gathered together, and appoint them selues one head, & they shal come vp out of the land: for great is the day of Izreel.